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James Stark Part 3: Revolver

We have finished with the first rounds of edits to chapter 3. I did learn something these coming weeks. Ok, I been rewriting chapter 3 for the past week. I been getting a little snagged with it. The problem is I changed some things in this edit, but end the end I didn't like the changes. I feel that the first edit works better than the current, so with that in mind I'm going to repost the third chapter of the first draft.

The story of this chapter:

The Second battalion has made it through the mountain pass. They set up shop on the other side and wait for reinforcements. James stays on a hill watching over his men when Skylar and Dillion join him. The three drink together and James tells the story of his first fight in the Negallen Military when he fought along side Skylar mom Abigale Grayson.

Become a paid subscriber to get all of the chapter for now here is a small piece:

The ship glided into position and was close. They knew we couldn’t talk, but they still waited. We found out why they waited. They unleashed one last attack from the ship. Missiles fired from the ship. There had to be twenty missiles easily able to destroy what was left of us. They all collided, the ship shook, but the missiles didn’t explode, they only latched on.

I remember hearing seeing one of the missiles in front of me. The missiles were long, thick, and had a weird head. The head was not pointed like normal missiles. No this missile had found jagged saws on the end. The saws swirled, but this missile didn’t move. I hide behind a group of pipes.

A few minutes passed, I heard the saws stop. I heard a loud crack followed by a loud bank. Silence for a few seconds then the sound of something crashing to the ground. I peeked over the pipes slowly and saw the head of the missile was on the ground. The missile was hallowed and something was coming out of it.

This was first time I saw something from another world. First thing I saw was a green tentacle slithering from the missile grabbing the edge of the metal wall. He pulled himself out and jumped from the missile, and was wearing a set of green and black armor. The thing had long legs and long thin tail. He only had one arm, it was the tentacle, the other had a large cannon sized gun on it.

Its face was particularly interesting. His head was large the top of his head had no hair only long black tentacles coming out that stretched to the top of his back. His eyes were bright red as he looked around the engine room. I ducked down trying to avoid his gaze. The rest of his face was covered in a green mask.

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